Enable profiling using sa_server_option

 To enable procedure profiling in Interactive SQL
  1. Connect to the database as a user with DBA authority or as a user with PROFILE authority.

  2. Call the sa_server_option system procedure, setting the ProcedureProfiling option to ON.

    For example, enter:

    CALL sa_server_option( 'ProcedureProfiling' , 'ON' );

If necessary, you can see what procedures a specific user is using, without preventing other connections from using the database. This is useful if the connection already exists, or if multiple users connect with the same user ID.

 To filter procedure profiling by user in Interactive SQL
  1. Connect to the database as the DBA, or as a user with PROFILE authority.

  2. Call the sa_server_option system procedure as follows:

    CALL sa_server_option( 'ProfileFilterUser' , 'userid' );

    The value of userid is the name of the user being monitored.

 See also