The flagging functionality used in the database server and in the SQL preprocessor follows the SQL Flagger functionality defined in Part 1 (Framework) of the ANSI/ISO SQL/2008 International Standard. The SQL Flagger supports the following ANSI SQL standards when determining the compliance of SQL language constructions :
SQL Flagger support for SQL/1992 (all levels) is deprecated.
In addition, the SQL Flagger can identify statements that are not compliant with UltraLite SQL. For example, UltraLite has only limited abilities to CREATE and ALTER schema objects.
All SQL statements can be analyzed by the SQL Flagger. However, most statements that create or alter schema objects, including statements that create tables, indexes, materialized views, publications, subscriptions, and proxy tables, are vendor extensions to the ANSI SQL standards, and are flagged as non-conforming.
The SET OPTION statement, including its optional components, is never flagged for non-compliance with any SQL standard, or for compatibility with UltraLite.
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