Memory diagnostic statistics

These statistics describe how the database server is using memory.

Statistic Scope Description
Cache: Multi-Page Allocations Server Shows the number of multi-page allocations.
Cache: Panics Server Shows the number of times the cache manager has failed to find a page to allocate.
Cache: Scavenge Visited Server Shows the number of pages visited while scavenging for a page to allocate.
Cache: Scavenges Server Shows the number of times the cache manager has scavenged for a page to allocate.
Cache Pages: Allocated Structures Server Shows the number of cache pages that have been allocated for database server data structures.
Cache Pages: File Server Shows the number of cache pages used to hold data from database files.
Cache Pages: File Dirty Server Shows the number of cache pages that are dirty (needing a write).
Cache Pages: Free Server Shows the number of cache pages not being used.
Cache Pages: Pinned Server Shows the number of pages currently unavailable for reuse.
Cache Replacements: Total Pages/sec Server Shows the rate at which database pages are being purged from the cache to make room for another page that is needed.
Heaps: Carver Connection and server Shows the number of heaps used for short-term purposes such as query optimization..
Heaps: Query Processing Connection and server Shows the number of heaps used for query processing (hash and sort operations).
Heaps: Relocatable Connection and server Shows the number of relocatable heaps.
Heaps: Relocatable Locked Connection and server Shows the number of relocatable heaps currently locked in the cache.
Map physical memory/sec Server Shows the rate at which database page address space windows are being mapped to physical memory in the cache using Address Windowing Extensions.
Mem Pages: Carver Connection and server Shows the number of heap pages used for short-term purposes such as query optimization.
Mem Pages: Pinned Cursor Server Shows the number of pages used to keep cursor heaps pinned in memory.
Mem Pages: Query Processing Connection and server Shows the number of cache pages used for query processing (hash and sort operations).
Query Memory: Current Active Connection and server Shows the current number of requests actively using query memory.
Query Memory: Estimated Active Server Shows the database server's estimate of the steady state average of the number of requests actively using query memory.
Query Memory: Extra Available Server Shows the amount of memory available to grant beyond the base memory-intensive grant.
Query Memory: Number of Grant Fails Connection and server Shows the total number of times any request waited for query memory and failed to get it.
Query Memory: Number of Grant Requests Connection and server Shows the total number of times any request attempted to acquire query memory.
Query Memory: Number of Grant Waits Connection and server Shows the total number of times any request waited for memory.
Query Memory: Pages Granted Connection and server Shows the number of pages currently granted to requests.
Query Memory: Requests Waiting Connection and server Shows the current number of requests waiting for query memory.