SYSIDX system view

Each row in the SYSIDX system view defines a logical index in the database. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSIDX.

Column name Data type Description
table_id UNSIGNED INT Uniquely identifies the table to which this index applies.
index_id UNSIGNED INT A unique number identifying the index within its table.
object_id UNSIGNED BIGINT The internal ID for the index, uniquely identifying it in the database.
phys_index_id UNSIGNED INT Identifies the underlying physical index used to implement the logical index. This value is NULL for indexes on temporary tables or remote tables. Otherwise, the value corresponds to the object_id of a physical index in the SYSPHYSIDX system view. See SYSPHYSIDX system view.
dbspace_id SMALLINT The ID of the file in which the index is contained. This value corresponds to an entry in the SYSDBSPACE system view. See SYSDBSPACE system view.
file_id SMALLINT DEPRECATED. This column is present in SYSVIEW, but not in the underlying system table ISYSIDX. The contents of this column is the same as dbspace_id and is provided for compatibility. Use dbspace_id instead.
index_category TINYINT

The type of index. Values include:

  • 1 - Primary key
  • 2 - Foreign key
  • 3 - Secondary index (includes unique constraints)
  • 4 - Text indexes
"unique" TINYINT Indicates whether the index is a unique index (1), a non-unique index (4), or a unique constraint (2). A unique index prevents two rows in the indexed table from having the same values in the index columns.
index_name CHAR(128) The name of the index.
not_enforced CHAR(1) For system use only.
file_id SMALLINT For system use only.
 Constraints on underlying system table
 See also