Stores a point in time with a time zone offset.
The TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE value contains the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction of a second, and number of minutes before or after Coordinated Universal (UTC) time.
The fraction is stored to 6 decimal places. A TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE value requires 10 bytes of storage.
You can use a T between the date and time. You can use a Z to indicate a time zone offset of +00:00 (UTC).
Although the range of possible dates for the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type is the same as the DATE type (covering years 0001 to 9999), the useful range of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE date types is from 1600-02-28 23:59:59 to 7911-01-01 00:00:00. Before and after this range the time portion of the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE may be incomplete.
Do not use TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE for computed columns or in materialized views because the value of the governing time_zone_adjustment option will vary between connections based on their location and the time of year.
Two TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values are considered identical when they represent the same instant in UTC, regardless of the TIME ZONE offset applied. For example, the following statement returns Yes because the results are considered identical:
IF CAST('2009-07-15 08:00:00 -08:00' AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) = CAST('2009-07-15 11:00:00 -05:00' AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) THEN SELECT 'Yes' ELSE SELECT 'No' END IF; |
If you omit the time zone offset from a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE value, it defaults to the current UTC offset of the client regardless of whether the timestamp represents a date and time in standard time or daylight time. For example, if the client is located in the Eastern Standard time zone and executes the following statement while daylight time is in effect, then a timestamp with a time zone appropriate for the Atlantic Standard time zone (-4 hours from UTC) will be returned.
Comparing TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE with other data types The comparison of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values with timestamps without time zones is not recommended because the default time zone offset of the client varies with the geographic location of the client and with the time of the year.
Execute the following statement to determine the current time zone offset in minutes for a client:
The TimeZoneAdjustment connection property is not supported in UltraLite databases.
Converting to or from TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE When a TIMESTAMP value is converted to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, the connection's time_zone_adjustment setting is used for the time zone offset in the result. In other words, the value is considered to be "local" to the connection. When a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE value is converted to TIMESTAMP, the offset is discarded. Conversions to or from types other than strings, date, or time types is not supported.
SQL/2008 Support for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE is optional SQL language feature F411 of the SQL/2008 standard.
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