Each row in the SYSREMOTEUSER system view describes a user ID with REMOTE permissions (a subscriber), together with the status of SQL Remote messages that were sent to and from that user. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSREMOTEUSER.

Column name Data type Description
user_id UNSIGNED INT The user number of the user with REMOTE permissions.
consolidate CHAR(1) Indicates whether the user was granted CONSOLIDATE permissions (Y) or REMOTE permissions (N).
type_id SMALLINT Identifies which of the message systems supported by SQL Remote is used to send messages to the user.
address LONG VARCHAR The address to which SQL Remote messages are to be sent. The address must be appropriate for the address_type.
frequency CHAR(1) How frequently SQL Remote messages are sent.
send_time TIME The next time messages are to be sent to this user.
log_send UNSIGNED BIGINT Messages are sent only to subscribers for whom log_send is greater than log_sent.
time_sent TIMESTAMP The time the most recent message was sent to this subscriber.
log_sent UNSIGNED BIGINT The log offset for the most recently sent operation.
confirm_sent UNSIGNED BIGINT The log offset for the most recently confirmed operation from this subscriber.
send_count INTEGER How many SQL Remote messages have been sent.
resend_count INTEGER Counter to ensure that messages are applied only once at the subscriber database.
time_received TIMESTAMP The time when the most recent message was received from this subscriber.
log_received UNSIGNED BIGINT The log offset in the subscriber's database for the operation that was most recently received at the current database.
confirm_received UNSIGNED BIGINT The log offset in the subscriber's database for the most recent operation for which a confirmation message has been sent.
receive_count INTEGER How many messages have been received.
rereceive_count INTEGER Counter to ensure that messages are applied only once at the current database.
 Constraints on underlying system table