Each row in the SYSPUBLICATION system view describes a SQL Remote or MobiLink publication. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSPUBLICATION.

Column name Data type Description
publication_id UNSIGNED INT A number uniquely identifying the publication.
object_id UNSIGNED BIGINT The internal ID for the publication, uniquely identifying it in the database.
creator UNSIGNED INT The owner of the publication.
publication_name CHAR(128) The name of the publication.
remarks LONG VARCHAR Remarks about the publication. This value is stored in the ISYSREMARK system table.
type CHAR(1) This column is deprecated.
sync_type UNSIGNED INT

The type of synchronization for the publication. Values include:

  • logscan - This is a regular publication that uses the transaction log to upload all relevant data that has changed since the last upload.

  • scripted upload - For this publication, the transaction log is ignored and the upload is defined by the user using stored procedures. Information about the stored procedures is stored in the ISYSSYNCSCRIPT system table.

  • download only - This is a download-only publication; no data is uploaded.

 Constraints on underlying system table
 See also