Some keywords in SQL are also reserved words. To use a reserved word in a SQL statement as an identifier, you must enclose it in double quotes. Many, but not all, the keywords that appear in SQL statements are reserved words. For example, you must use the following syntax to retrieve the contents of a table named SELECT.
SQL keywords are not case sensitive and the following words may appear in uppercase, lowercase, or any combination of the two. All strings that differ only in capitalization from one of the following words are reserved words.
You can also turn off keywords using the non_keywords option. See non_keywords option.
The reserved_keywords option turns on individual keywords that are disabled by default. See reserved_keywords option.
If you are using embedded SQL, you can use the sql_needs_quotes database library function to determine whether a string requires quotation marks. A string requires quotes if it is a reserved word or if it contains a character not ordinarily allowed in an identifier.
You can obtain a list of the reserved words using the sa_reserved_words system procedure. See sa_reserved_words system procedure.
The reserved SQL keywords in SQL Anywhere are:
add | all | alter | and |
any | as | asc | attach |
backup | begin | between | bigint |
binary | bit | bottom | break |
by | call | capability | cascade |
case | cast | char | char_convert |
character | check | checkpoint | close |
comment | commit | compressed | conflict |
connect | constraint | contains | continue |
convert | create | cross | cube |
current | current_timestamp | current_user | cursor |
date | datetimeoffset | dbspace | deallocate |
dec | decimal | declare | default |
delete | deleting | desc | detach |
distinct | do | double | drop |
dynamic | else | elseif | encrypted |
end | endif | escape | except |
exception | exec | execute | existing |
exists | externlogin | fetch | first |
float | for | force | foreign |
forward | from | full | goto |
grant | group | having | holdlock |
identified | if | in | index |
inner | inout | insensitive | insert |
inserting | install | instead | int |
integer | integrated | intersect | into |
is | isolation | join | kerberos |
key | lateral | left | like |
limit | lock | login | long |
match | membership | merge | message |
mode | modify | natural | nchar |
new | no | noholdlock | not |
notify | null | numeric | nvarchar |
of | off | on | open |
openstring | openxml | option | options |
or | order | others | out |
outer | over | passthrough | precision |
prepare | primary | privileges | |
proc | procedure | publication | raiserror |
readtext | real | reference | references |
refresh | release | remote | remove |
rename | reorganize | resource | restore |
restrict | return | revoke | right |
rollback | rollup | save | savepoint |
scroll | select | sensitive | session |
set | setuser | share | smallint |
some | spatial | sqlcode | sqlstate |
start | stop | subtrans | subtransaction |
synchronize | table | temporary | then |
time | timestamp | tinyint | to |
top | tran | treat | trigger |
truncate | tsequal | unbounded | union |
unique | uniqueidentifier | unknown | unsigned |
update | updating | user | using |
validate | values | varbinary | varbit |
varchar | variable | varying | view |
wait | waitfor | when | where |
while | window | with | within |
work | writetext | xml |
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