Initializes the interface.
public sacapi_bool sqlany_init( const char * app_name, sacapi_u32 api_version, sacapi_u32 * version_available )
app_name A string that names the application that is using the API. For example, "PHP", "PERL", or "RUBY".
api_version The version of the compiled application.
version_available An optional argument to return the maximum supported API version.
1 on success, 0 otherwise
The following example demonstrates how to initialize the SQL Anywhere C API DLL:
sacapi_u32 api_version; if( sqlany_init( "PHP", SQLANY_API_VERSION_1, &api_version ) ) { printf( "Interface initialized successfully!\n" ); } else { printf( "Failed to initialize the interface! Supported version=%d\n", api_version ); }