SAConnectionStringBuilder class

Provides a simple way to create and manage the contents of connection strings used by the SAConnection class.

 Visual Basic syntax
 C# syntax
 Base classes

SAConnectionStringBuilder constructor
AppInfo property
AutoStart property
AutoStop property
Charset property
CommBufferSize property
CommLinks property
Compress property
CompressionThreshold property
ConnectionLifetime property
ConnectionName property
ConnectionPool property
ConnectionReset property
ConnectionTimeout property
DatabaseFile property
DatabaseKey property
DatabaseName property
DatabaseSwitches property
DataSourceName property
DisableMultiRowFetch property
Elevate property
EncryptedPassword property
Encryption property
Enlist property
FileDataSourceName property
ForceStart property
Host property
IdleTimeout property
Integrated property
Kerberos property
Language property
LazyClose property
LivenessTimeout property
LogFile property
MaxPoolSize property
MinPoolSize property
NewPassword property
NodeType property
Password property
PersistSecurityInfo property
Pooling property
PrefetchBuffer property
PrefetchRows property
RetryConnectionTimeout property
ServerName property
StartLine property
Unconditional property
UserID property