Executes the SQL statement specified by the string argument.
sqlany_execute_direct ( $conn, $sql )
$conn A connection object with a connection established using sqlany_connect.
$sql A SQL string. The SQL string should not have parameters such as ?.
Returns a statement object or nil on failure.
Use this function if you want to prepare and execute a statement in one step. Do not use this function to execute a SQL statement with parameters.
stmt = api.sqlany_execute_direct( conn, "SELECT * FROM Employees" ) rc = api.sqlany_fetch_next( stmt ) rc, employeeID = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 0 ) rc, managerID = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 1 ) rc, surname = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 2 ) rc, givenName = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 3 ) rc, departmentID = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 4 ) print employeeID, ",", managerID, ",", surname, ",", givenName, ",", departmentID, "\n"