ODBC support

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a standard call level interface (CLI) developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is based on the SQL Access Group CLI specification. ODBC applications can run against any data source that provides an ODBC driver. ODBC is a good choice for a programming interface if you want your application to be portable to other data sources that have ODBC drivers.

ODBC is a low-level interface. Almost all the SQL Anywhere functionality is available with this interface. ODBC is available as a DLL under Windows operating systems. It is provided as a shared object library for Unix.

The core documentation for the ODBC API can be found on the Microsoft Developer Network website at [external link] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms710252.aspx.

Requirements for developing ODBC applications
Building ODBC applications
ODBC samples
ODBC handles
Choosing an ODBC connection function
Server options changed by ODBC
SQLSetConnectAttr extended connection attributes
Calling SQLFreeEnv
Executing SQL statements
64-bit ODBC considerations
Data alignment requirements
Working with result sets
Calling stored procedures
Handling errors