The SQL preprocessor generates calls to functions in the interface library or DLL. In addition to the calls generated by the SQL preprocessor, a set of library functions is provided to make database operations easier to perform. Prototypes for these functions are included by the EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA statement.
This section contains a reference description of these various functions.
alloc_sqlda function
alloc_sqlda_noind function
db_backup function
db_cancel_request function
db_change_char_charset function
db_change_nchar_charset function
db_delete_file function
db_find_engine function
db_fini function
db_get_property function
db_init function
db_is_working function
db_locate_servers function
db_locate_servers_ex function
db_register_a_callback function
db_start_database function
db_start_engine function
db_stop_database function
db_stop_engine function
db_string_connect function
db_string_disconnect function
db_string_ping_server function
db_time_change function
fill_s_sqlda function
fill_sqlda function
fill_sqlda_ex function
free_filled_sqlda function
free_sqlda function
free_sqlda_noind function
sql_needs_quotes function
sqlda_storage function
sqlda_string_length function
sqlerror_message function
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