Web service error code reference

The HTTP server generates standard web service errors when requests fail. These errors are assigned numbers consistent with protocol standards.

The following are some typical errors that you may encounter:

Number Name SOAP fault Description
301 Moved permanently Server The requested page has been permanently moved. The server automatically redirects the request to the new location.
304 Not Modified Server The server has decided, based on information in the request, that the requested data has not been modified since the last request and so it does not need to be sent again.
307 Temporary Redirect Server The requested page has been moved, but this change may not be permanent. The server automatically redirects the request to the new location.
400 Bad Request Client.BadRequest

The HTTP request is incomplete or malformed.

401 Authorization Required Client.Authorization

Authorization is required to use the service, but a valid user name and password were not supplied.

403 Forbidden Client.Forbidden

You do not have permission to access the database.

404 Not Found Client.NotFound

The named database is not running on the server, or the named web service does not exist.

408 Request Timeout Server.RequestTimeout

The maximum connection idle time was exceeded while receiving the request.

411 HTTP Length Required Client.LengthRequired The server requires that the client include a Content-Length specification in the request. This typically occurs when uploading data to the server.
413 Entity Too Large Server

The request exceeds the maximum permitted size.

414 URI Too Large Server

The length of the URI exceeds the maximum allowed length.

500 Internal Server Error Server

An internal error occurred. The request could not be processed.

501 Not Implemented Server

The HTTP request method is not GET, HEAD, or POST.

502 Bad Gateway Server The document requested resides on a third-party server and the server received an error from the third-party server.
503 Service Unavailable Server

The number of connections exceeds the allowed maximum.

Faults are returned to the client as SOAP faults as defined by the following the SOAP version 1.1 standards when a SOAP service fails:

  • When an error in the application handling the request generates a SQLCODE, a SOAP Fault is returned with a faultcode of Client, possibly with a sub-category, such as Procedure. The faultstring element within the SOAP Fault is set to a detailed explanation of the error and a detail element contains the numeric SQLCODE value.

  • In the event of a transport protocol error, the faultcode is set to either Client or Server, depending on the error, faultstring is set to the HTTP transport message, such as 404 Not Found, and the detail element contains the numeric HTTP error value.

  • SOAP Fault messages generated due to application errors that return a SQLCODE value are returned with an HTTP status of 200 OK.

The appropriate HTTP error is returned in a generated HTML document if the client cannot be identified as a SOAP client.