The SQL Anywhere .NET Data Provider dbdata DLL

When the SQL Anywhere .NET Data Provider is first loaded by a .NET application (usually when making a database connection using SAConnection), it unloads a DLL that contains the provider's unmanaged code. The file dbdata.dll is placed in a directory by the provider using the following strategy.

  1. The first directory it attempts to use for unloading is the one returned by the first of the following:

    • The path identified by the TMP environment variable.
    • The path identified by the TEMP environment variable.
    • The path identified by the USERPROFILE environment variable.
    • The Windows directory.
  2. If the identified directory is inaccessible, then the provider will attempt to use the current working directory.

  3. If the current working directory is inaccessible, then the provider will attempt to use the directory from where the application itself was loaded.