A group can be thought of as a user ID with special permissions, such as the ability to have members. You grant and revoke permissions and authorities for a group in exactly the same manner as you do for users.
You can construct a hierarchy of groups where each group is a member of another group. Members, whether they be users or groups, inherit the authorities and permissions from its parent group. A user ID may belong to more than one group; the user-to-group relationship is many-to-many.
Just as with users, you can grant or revoke group permissions on a table, view, or procedure. When you do so, all members of the group inherit the change.
You can create a group without a password. This enables you to prevent users from connecting to the database using the group user ID. See Groups without passwords.
To administer authorities and permissions for a group, follow the same procedures that you do for administering permissions and authorities for users. See Managing user permissions and authorities.
To administer remote permissions for groups, see Granting and revoking remote permissions.
Creating groups
Granting group membership to existing users or groups
Revoking group membership
Permissions and authorities of groups
Referring to tables owned by groups
Groups without passwords
Special groups and users
Deleting groups from the database
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