Suppressing Windows event log messages

You can suppress Windows event log entries by setting a registry entry. The registry entry is Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\12.0. This entry can be placed in either the HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive.

To control event log entries, set the EventLogMask key, which is of type REG_DWORD. The value is a bit mask containing the internal bit values for the different types of event messages:

errors      EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE        0x0001
warnings    EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE      0x0002

For example, if the EventLogMask key is set to 0, no messages appear. When you set this key to 1, informational and warning messages do not appear, but errors do. The default setting (no entry present) is for all message types to appear.

When changing the setting of the EventLogMask key, you must restart the database server for the change to take effect.

 See also