Interactive SQL options

Use the SET OPTION statement to change the values of the following Interactive SQL options. See SET OPTION statement [Interactive SQL].

auto_commit option [Interactive SQL]
auto_refetch option [Interactive SQL]
bell option [Interactive SQL]
command_delimiter option [Interactive SQL]
commit_on_exit option [Interactive SQL]
default_isql_encoding option [Interactive SQL]
echo option [Interactive SQL]
input_format option [Interactive SQL]
isql_allow_read_client_file option [Interactive SQL]
isql_allow_write_client_file option [Interactive SQL]
isql_command_timing option [Interactive SQL]
isql_escape_character option [Interactive SQL]
isql_field_separator option [Interactive SQL]
isql_maximum_displayed_rows option [Interactive SQL]
isql_print_result_set option [Interactive SQL]
isql_quote option [Interactive SQL]
isql_show_multiple_result_sets [Interactive SQL]
nulls option [Interactive SQL]
on_error option [Interactive SQL]
output_format option [Interactive SQL]
output_length option [Interactive SQL]
output_nulls option [Interactive SQL]
truncation_length option [Interactive SQL]