Repair database resources

Repairing a resource reinstalls the database objects needed to monitor the resource. The monitoring options are left unchanged. For a list of the objects installed, see Installed objects.

As an administrator, you can repair only SQL Anywhere database resources. You cannot repair the default resource for the Monitor (named SQL Anywhere Monitor). Each time you repair a resource, you must specify the DBA user ID and password for the database.

 To repair a SQL Anywhere resource
  1. Log in to the Monitor as an administrator.

  2. Click Administration.

  3. Click Resources.

  4. Select the database resource to repair.

  5. If the resource is currently being monitored, click Stop.

  6. Click Repair.

  7. When prompted, type the DBA user ID and password for the SQL Anywhere database. The DBA credentials are used to connect to the database, and then they are removed from the Monitor.

  8. Click Repair.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Start to restart monitoring the resource. See Resources.

  11. Click Close.