Lesson 6: Closing database connections

In this lesson, you use the Monitor to close a connection to a resource database. To close a connection, you need the resource database's DBA user ID and password.

 To close database connections
  1. Log in to the Monitor as an administrator. See Lesson 1: Log in to the Monitor as the default administrator.

  2. Open the demo12 dashboard.

  3. In the Connections widget, click the x beside the name of the connection you want to close.

    Connections widget
  4. When you are prompted for the required authorization, in the DBA User ID field, type DBA, and in the Password field, type sql.

    The Monitor uses the DBA user ID and password to connect to the resource database to drop the connection. The DBA user ID and password are not kept by the Monitor.

  5. Click OK.

    The connection is removed from the Connections widget.