Using SQL Anywhere as an Open Server

SQL Anywhere can appear as an Open Server to client applications. This feature enables Sybase Open Client applications to connect natively to SQL Anywhere databases.

If you simply want to use a Sybase application with SQL Anywhere, you do not need to know any details of Sybase Open Client, Sybase Open Server, or TDS. However, an understanding of how these components fit together may be helpful for configuring your database and setting up applications. This section explains how the components fit together, but avoids any discussion of the internal features of the components.

 Sybase Open Client and Sybase Open Server
 Tabular data stream
 Programming interfaces and application protocols
 TDS uses TCP/IP

Sybase applications and SQL Anywhere
Setting up SQL Anywhere as an Open Server
Configuring Sybase Open Server
Characteristics of Sybase Open Client and jConnect connections