Extensive file searching on Windows

On Windows, SQL Anywhere programs, including the database server and administration utilities, can perform a more extensive search for required files such as DLLs or shared libraries. In these cases, SQL Anywhere programs look for files in the following order:

  1. The module's directory (the directory where the program executable file or library file is located).

  2. The executable directory (the directory where the program executable file or library is located).

  3. The installation path (the SQL Anywhere installation directory, install-dir). install-dir is a single directory specified by the SQLANY12 environment variable if it is defined.

  4. No path (the current working directory).

  5. %APPDATA%\SQL Anywhere 12 directory

  6. %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\SQL Anywhere 12 directory

  7. The Location registry entry.

  8. System-specific directories. This includes directories where common operating system files are held, such as the Windows directory and the Windows\system32 directory on Windows operating systems.

  9. The PATH directories. Directories in the system path and the user's path are searched.


On Windows, SQL Anywhere searches the following paths relative to each location in the preceding list:

  1. .

  2. ..

  3. .\bin32 and ..\bin32 (32-bit programs only)

  4. .\bin64 and ..\bin64 (64-bit programs only)

  5. .\java (for Java-related files)

  6. ..\java (for Java-related files)

  7. .\scripts (for SQL script files)

  8. ..\scripts (for SQL script files)