Connection parameter syntax rules

  • Connection strings containing spaces   You must enclose the entire connection string in double quotes if any of the connection parameter values contain spaces.

  • Boolean values   Boolean (true or false) arguments are either YES, ON, 1, TRUE, Y, or T if true, or NO, OFF, 0, FALSE, N, or F if false.

  • Case sensitivity   Connection parameters are case insensitive, although their values may not be (for example, file names on Unix).

    In order of precedence, you can be get the connection parameters used by the interface library from the following places:

    • Connection string   You can pass parameters explicitly in the connection string.

    • SQLCONNECT environment variable   The SQLCONNECT environment variable can store connection parameters.

    • Data sources   ODBC data sources can store parameters.

  • Character set restrictions   It is recommended that the database server name (specified by the ServerName or SERVER connection parameter) be composed of the ASCII character set in the range 1 to 127. This limitation does not apply to other connection parameter values.

  • Priority   The following rules govern the priority of parameters:

    • The entries in a connect string are read left to right. If the same parameter is specified more than once, the last one in the string applies. ODBC, OLE DB, Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, and the SQL Anywhere Console utility are exceptions to this: if the same parameter is specified more than once, the first string applies.

    • If a string contains a data source or file data source entry, the profile is read from the configuration file, and the entries from the file are used if they are not already set. For example, if a connection string contains a data source name and sets some of the parameters contained in the data source explicitly, then the explicit parameters are used if a conflict occurs.

  • Connection string parsing   If there is a problem parsing the connection string, an error is generated that indicates which connection parameter caused the problem.

  • Empty connection parameters   Connection parameters that are specified with empty values are treated as a zero length string.

 See also