Using configuration files to store database server startup options

You can store the set of options used to start a database server in a configuration file and invoke that file in a database server command. The configuration file can contain options on several lines. For example, the following configuration file starts a personal database server and the sample database. It sets a cache of 10 MB, and names this instance of the personal server Elora. Lines with # as the first character in the line are treated as comments.

# Configuration file for server Elora
-n Elora
-c 10M

In the example, samples-dir is the name of your SQL Anywhere samples directory. On Unix, use a forward slash instead of the backslash in the file path.

For information about samples-dir, see Samples directory.

If you name the file containing these optionssample.cfg, you could use the file as follows:

dbeng12 @sample.cfg
 See also