Starting a SQL Anywhere database server on Windows Mobile

The SQL Anywhere Server icon is used to start the database server.

 To start the SQL Anywhere server
  1. From the Start menu, tap Programs » SQLAny12.

  2. Tap Server.

  3. In the Database field, type \My Documents\demo.db or tap Browse and locate demo.db in the My Documents directory.

  4. The Server Name field may be left blank.

    The server name defaults to the database name demo.

  5. The Cache field may be left unchanged.

  6. The Options field may be left blank.

  7. Tap OK to start the sample database running on the database server.

  8. Navigate to the Today screen on your device.

  9. Tap the database server icon located in the bottom right corner of the screen.

    When the message Now accepting requests appears in the database server messages window, you can proceed to the next lesson.

When you are finished using the sample database, you must shut down the database server.

 To shut down the database server
  1. Tap the network database server icon located in the bottom right corner of the Today screen.

  2. On the menu, tap Menu » Shut Down.