getBytesSection method

Copies a subset of the contents of the specified SQLType.LONGBINARY column, beginning at the specified offset, to the specified offset of the destination byte array.

UInt32 getBytesSection(
   UInt16 index 
   UInt32 srcOffset,
   Array  dst, 
   UInt32 dstOffset,
   UInt32 count  

index   The 1-based ordinal of the column containing the binary data.

srcOffset   The start position in the column value. Zero is the beginning of the value.

dst   The destination array.

dstOffset   The start position in the destination array.

count   The number of bytes to be copied


The number of bytes read.


The bytes at position srcOffset (starting from 0) through srcOffset+count-1 of the source column are copied into positions dstOffset through dstOffset+count-1, respectively, of the destination array. If the end of the value is encountered before count bytes are copied, the remainder of the destination array is left unchanged.

If any of the following is true, an Error is thrown, Connection.sqlCode set to SQLError.SQLE_INVALID_PARAMETER and the destination is not modified: