UltraLiteJ Database Transfer utility (ULjDbT)

The ULjDbT utility provides the capability to transfer an UltraLiteJ database from a BlackBerry smartphone to an external device, such as a desktop, laptop, or server. In addition,you can delete a database, display database information, or view or email the database transfer log. The utility consists of two applications that must run simultaneously—the UltraLiteJ Database Transfer desktop application (ULjDbt) and the BlackBerry smartphone client application (ULjDatabaseTransfer.cod).

The UltraLiteJ Database Transfer desktop application

The desktop application receives UltraLiteJ databases using a USB or HTTP connection method. When you start the server application, it waits for a BlackBerry smartphone to transfer the database through the specified connection with the client application. The connection is closed either manually through the application interface, when the application times out, or when the transfer is complete.

The BlackBerry Smartphone client application

The BlackBerry Smartphone client application sends UltraLiteJ databases through a USB cable or a TCP port specified to the desktop application.

In addition, you can delete a database, display database information, or view or email the database transfer log.

The client application is a signed file located in the UltraLite\UltraLiteJ\J2meRim11 directory of your SQL Anywhere installation.

To start the client application
  1. Load ULjDatabaseTransfer.cod from the UltraLite\UltraLiteJ\J2meRim11 directory of your SQL Anywhere installation.

    The client application icon appears in your list of applications.

  2. Start the application and press the trackwheel.

  3. On the Database Connection screen, complete the following fields:

    • Database Name   The name of the database to transfer to the external device.

    • Database Password   The database password used to allow data transfer.

  4. Click Next. The Action screen appears. This is the screen from which you can access all of the client application functionality.

To transfer a database using the BlackBerry Smartphone client application
  1. On the Action screen, select the desired connection method (USB or HTTP).

  2. For a USB transfer, select Transfer database to server via USB. For an HTTP transfer, proceed to step 4.

  3. Follow the directions to start the database transfer desktop application (see To receive a database using the UltraLiteJ Database Transfer application, below.


    To ensure a successful database transfer, make sure that the device or simulator is connected to the BlackBerry Device Manager. For a simulator, make sure that a USB connection is simulated using USB Cable Connected .

    1. On the desktop application, make sure USB is selected and click Start.

    2. Click Next on the client application.

    3. The BlackBerry smartphone starts transferring the database to the external device. Progress information is displayed on the desktop application.

    4. Click OK on both the client and desktop applications to close them.

  4. For an HTTP transfer, select Transfer database to server via HTTP.

    1. On the HTTP Transfer screen, click Next.

    2. Specify the following values:

      • Host   The IP address of your desktop.

      • Port   The port specified in Connection Properties on the desktop application.

      • URL Suffix   The hostname of the server receiving the transfer, including the http:// suffix (this is required).

      and click Next.


      To transfer through the BES on a non-ident device, leave Suffix empty. On ident devices, use the suffix ;deviceside=false.

      To transfer through Direct TCP use the suffix ;deviceside=true. Note that not all carriers support this.

      The carrier's WAP gateway can be used if you know the APN information for it. You have to append that information to the suffix as well. Note that even if you are going through a BES, there may be a firewall between the BES and the machine you are running the UltraLiteJ Database Transfer utility on. In this case you need to use an SSL tunneler. On the HTTP Transfer Parms screen, specify the port and name or IP address of the SSL server running on the BES-side of the firewall. You also need to specify the port the SSL client is mapped to to the transfer application.

      If you are transferring a database from a BlackBerry simulator, you need to have a BlackBerry MDS simulator running or specify a URL suffix of ;deviceside=true to the UltraLiteJ Database Transfer utility running in the BlackBerry simulator.

    3. On the desktop application, make sure HTTP is selected and click Start.

    4. Click Next on the client application.

      The BlackBerry smartphone starts transferring the database to the external device. Progress information is displayed on the desktop application.

    5. Click OK on both the client and desktop applications to close them.

To receive a database using the UltraLiteJ Database Transfer application
  1. Run ULjDbTServ.cmd from the Bin32 directory of your SQL Anywhere installation.

    The UltraLiteJ Database Transfer application loads.

  2. On the Connect tab, select the desired Connection Method.

  3. Under Connection Properties, specify the following values:

    • Port   This field only applies to HTTP connections. Type the TCP port number that you want the BlackBerry smartphone to connect to. Usually, this port number matches the port number specified to the UltraLiteJ Database Transfer utility running on the BlackBerry device; however, if you are using SSL, then this number can be different.

    • BlackBerry Password   This field only applies to USB connections. Type the password used to access the connected BlackBerry smartphone when it is locked. Leave this field blank if there is no password.

    • Timeout   The number of idle minutes before the server application times out and closes the connection.

    • Output   Specify a file name and location to which to save the transferred database.

  4. Click Start to open a connection to the BlackBerry smartphone. The server application waits until it either times out or establishes a connection. If you have specified an existing file, you are asked whether you want to overwrite it.

The Logs tab provides details on the server status and transfer progress, including error messages.

To delete a database
  1. On the Action screen, select Delete the database.

  2. On the confirmation dialog, click Delete to delete the database.

  3. On the Database deleted dialog, click OK to close the client.

To view database information
  1. On the Action screen, select View database info. Scroll down to view all the database information.

  2. Click Previous to return to the Action screen.

To view the log file
  1. On the Database Connection screen, display the menu.

  2. Click Log. The log screen is displayed.

  3. To email the log file, enter the email address to send the log to and click Send email. To return to the previous screen, press the return key