Example: Creating a database

This example demonstrates how to create a file system database store in a J2SE Java environment. The Configuration object is used to create the database. Once created, a Connection object is returned. To create tables, the schemaUpdateBegin method is invoked to start changes to the underlying schema and the schemaUpdateComplete method completes changing the schema.

package ianywhere.ultralitej.demo;
import ianywhere.ultralitej.*;
 * CreateDb: sample program to demonstrate Database creation.
public class CreateDb
     * mainline for program.
     * @param args command-line arguments
    public static void main
        ( String[] args )
        try {
            Configuration config = DatabaseManager.createConfigurationFile( "Demo1.ulj" );

            Connection conn = DatabaseManager.createDatabase( config );
            TableSchema table_schema = conn.createTable( "Employee" );
            table_schema.createColumn( "number", Domain.INTEGER );
            table_schema.createColumn( "last_name", Domain.VARCHAR, 32 );
            table_schema.createColumn( "first_name", Domain.VARCHAR, 32 );
            table_schema.createColumn( "age", Domain.INTEGER );
            table_schema.createColumn( "dept_no", Domain.INTEGER );
            IndexSchema index_schema = table_schema.createPrimaryIndex( "prime_keys" );
            index_schema.addColumn( "number", IndexSchema.ASCENDING );
            table_schema = conn.createTable( "Department" );
            table_schema.createColumn( "dept_no", Domain.INTEGER );
            table_schema.createColumn( "name", Domain.VARCHAR, 50 );
            index_schema = table_schema.createPrimaryIndex( "prime_keys" );
            index_schema.addColumn( "dept_no", IndexSchema.ASCENDING );

            ForeignKeySchema foreign_key_schema = conn.createForeignKey( "Employee", "Department", "fk_emp_to_dept" );
            foreign_key_schema.addColumnReference( "dept_no", "dept_no" );


            Demo.display( "CreateDb completed successfully" );

        } catch( ULjException exc ) {
            Demo.displayException( exc );