ULSyncParms class

UL Ext.: Represents synchronization parameters that define how to synchronize an UltraLite database. This class cannot be inherited.

Visual Basic
Public NotInheritable Class ULSyncParms
public sealed class ULSyncParms

There is no constructor for this class. Each connection has its own ULSyncParms instance, attached as its ULConnection.SyncParms.

At most, only one synchronization command (ULSyncParms.DownloadOnly, ULSyncParms.PingOnly, ULSyncParms.ResumePartialDownload, or ULSyncParms.UploadOnly) can be specified at a time. If more than one of these parameters is set to true, a ULSQLCode.SQLE_SYNC_INFO_INVALID SQLException is thrown by ULConnection.Synchronize().

Other sources of ULSQLCode.SQLE_SYNC_INFO_INVALID errors include not specifying a ULSyncParms.Stream value or a ULSyncParms.Version value.

See also

ULSyncParms members
AdditionalParms property
AuthenticationParms property
DownloadOnly property
KeepPartialDownload property
NewPassword property
Password property
PingOnly property
Publications property
ResumePartialDownload property
SendColumnNames property
SendDownloadAck property
Stream property
StreamParms property
UploadOnly property
UserName property
Version property
CopyFrom method