ULIndexSchema members

Public properties
Member name Description

ColumnCount property

Returns the number of columns in the index.

IsForeignKey property

Checks whether the index is a foreign key.

IsForeignKeyCheckOnCommit property

Checks whether referential integrity for the foreign key is performed on commits or on inserts and updates.

IsForeignKeyNullable property

Checks whether the foreign key is nullable.

IsOpen property

Determines whether the index schema is open or closed.

IsPrimaryKey property

Checks whether the index is the primary key.

IsUniqueIndex property

Checks whether the index is unique.

IsUniqueKey property

Checks whether the index is a unique key.

Name property

Returns the name of the index.

ReferencedIndexName property

The name of the referenced primary index if the index is a foreign key.

ReferencedTableName property

The name of the referenced primary table if the index is a foreign key.

Public methods
Member name Description

GetColumnName method

Returns the name of the

colOrdinalInIndex'th column in this index.

IsColumnDescending method

Checks whether the named column is used in descending order by the index.

See also