ULCreateParms members

Public constructors
Member name Description

ULCreateParms constructor

Initializes a ULCreateParms instance with its default values.

Public properties
Member name Description

CaseSensitive property

Specifies whether the new database should be case sensitive when comparing string values.

ChecksumLevel property

Specifies the level of database page checksums enabled for the new database.

DateFormat property

Specifies the date format used for string conversions by the new database.

DateOrder property

Specifies the date order used for string conversions by the new database.

FIPS property

Specifies whether the new database should be using AES_FIPS encryption or AES encryption.

MaxHashSize property

Specifies the default maximum number of bytes to use for index hashing in the new database.

NearestCentury property

Specifies the nearest century used for string conversions by the new database.

Obfuscate property

Specifies whether the new database should be using obfuscation (simple encryption) or not.

PageSize property

Specifies the page size of the new database, in bytes or kilobytes.

Precision property

Specifies the floating-point precision used for string conversions by the new database.

Scale property

Specifies the minimum number of digits after the decimal point when an arithmetic result is truncated to the maximum PRECISION during string conversions by the new database.

TimeFormat property

Specifies the time format used for string conversions by the new database.

TimestampFormat property

Specifies the timestamp format used for string conversions by the new database.

TimestampIncrement property

Specifies the minimum difference between two unique timestamp values, in microseconds (1,000,000th of a second).

UTF8Encoding property

Specifies whether the new database should be using the UTF8 character set or the character set associated with the collation.

Public methods
Member name Description

ToString method

Returns the string representation of this instance.

See also