ULConnectionStringBuilder members

Public constructors
Member name Description

ULConnectionStringBuilder constructors

Initializes a new instance of the ULConnectionStringBuilder class.

Public properties
Member name Description

[external link] BrowsableConnectionString (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString is visible in Visual Studio designers.

CacheSize property

UL Ext.: Specifies the size of the cache.

ConnectionName property

Specifies a name for the connection. This is only needed if you create more than one connection to the database.

[external link] ConnectionString (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets or sets the connection string associated with the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.

[external link] Count (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets the current number of keys that are contained within the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString.

DatabaseKey property

Specifies a key for encrypting the database.

DatabaseName property

Specifies a name for the database or the name of a loaded database to which a connection needs to be made.

DatabaseOnCE property

UL Ext.: Specifies the path and file name of the UltraLite database on Windows Mobile.

DatabaseOnDesktop property

UL Ext.: Specifies the path and file name of the UltraLite database on Windows desktop platforms.

[external link] IsFixedSize (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets a value that indicates whether the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder has a fixed size.

[external link] IsReadOnly (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets a value that indicates whether the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder is read-only.

Item property

Specifies the value of the specified connection keyword.

[external link] Keys (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets an [external link] ICollection that contains the keys in the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.

OrderedTableScans property

Specifies whether SQL queries without ORDER BY clauses should perform ordered table scans by default.

Password property

Specifies the password for the authenticated user.

ReserveSize property

UL Ext.: Specifies the reserve file system space for storage of UltraLite persistent data.

StartLine property

Specifies the location and then starts the UltraLite engine.

UserID property

Specifies an authenticated user for the database.

[external link] Values (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets an [external link] ICollection that contains the values in the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.

Public methods
Member name Description

[external link] Add (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Adds an entry with the specified key and value into the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.

[external link] Clear (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Clears the contents of the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder instance.

ContainsKey method

Determines whether the ULConnectionStringBuilder object contains a specific keyword.

EquivalentTo method

Compares the connection information in this ULConnectionStringBuilder object with the connection information in the supplied DbConnectionStringBuilder object.

GetShortName method

Retrieves the short version of the supplied keyword.

Remove method

Removes the entry with the specified key from the ULConnectionStringBuilder instance.

[external link] ShouldSerialize (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Indicates whether the specified key exists in this [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder instance.

[external link] ToString (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Returns the connection string associated with this [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.

TryGetValue method

Retrieves a value corresponding to the supplied key from this ULConnectionStringBuilder.

See also