SQLDescribeCol function

Returns the result descriptor for a column in the result set, for UltraLite ODBC.

The result descriptor includes the column name, column size, data type, number of decimal digits, and nullability.

    SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
    SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber,
    SQLTCHAR * ColumnName,
    SQLSMALLINT BufferLength,
    SQLSMALLINT * NameLength,
    SQLSMALLINT * DataType,
    SQLULEN * ColumnSize,
    SQLSMALLINT * DecimalDigits,
    SQLSMALLINT * Nullable );
  • StatementHandle   A statement handle.

  • ColumnNumber   The 1-based column number of result data.

  • ColumnName   A pointer to a buffer in which to return the column name.

  • BufferLength   The length of *ColumnName, in characters.

  • NameLength   A pointer to a buffer in which to return the total number of bytes (excluding the null-termination byte) available to return in *ColumnName.

  • DataType   A pointer to a buffer in which to return the SQL data type of the column.

  • ColumnSize   A pointer to a buffer in which to return the size of the column on the data source.

  • DecimalDigits   A pointer to a buffer in which to return the number of decimal digits of the column on the data source.

  • Nullable   A pointer to a buffer in which to return a value that indicates whether the column allows NULL values.