Tutorial: Build an application using the C++ API

This tutorial guides you through the process of building an UltraLite C++ application. The application is built for Windows desktop operating systems, and runs at a command prompt.

This tutorial is based on development using Microsoft Visual C++, although you can also use any C++ development environment.

The tutorial takes about 30 minutes if you copy and paste the code. The final section of this tutorial contains the full source code of the program described in this tutorial.

Competencies and experience

This tutorial assumes:

  • You are familiar with the C++ programming language

  • You have a C++ compiler installed on your computer

  • You know how to create an UltraLite database with the Create Database Wizard.

    For more information, see Create a database with the Create Database Wizard.

The goal for the tutorial is to gain competence with the process of developing an UltraLite C++ application.

Lesson 1: Create database and connect to database
Lesson 2: Insert data into the database
Lesson 3: Select and list rows from the table
Lesson 4: Add synchronization to your application
Code listing for tutorial