Embedded SQL API reference

This section lists functions that support UltraLite functionality in embedded SQL applications.

For general information about SQL statements that can be used, see Developing applications using Embedded SQL.

Use the EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA command to include prototypes for the functions in this chapter.

db_fini function
db_init function
db_start_database function
db_stop_database function
ULChangeEncryptionKey function
ULCheckpoint function
ULClearEncryptionKey function
ULCountUploadRows function
ULDropDatabase function
ULGetDatabaseID function
ULGetDatabaseProperty function
ULGetErrorParameter function
ULGetErrorParameterCount function
ULGetLastDownloadTime function
ULGetSynchResult function
ULGlobalAutoincUsage function
ULGrantConnectTo function
ULInitSynchInfo function
ULIsSynchronizeMessage function
ULResetLastDownloadTime function
ULRetrieveEncryptionKey function
ULRevokeConnectFrom function
ULRollbackPartialDownload function
ULSaveEncryptionKey function
ULSetDatabaseID function
ULSetDatabaseOptionString function
ULSetDatabaseOptionULong function
ULSetSynchInfo function
ULSignalSyncIsComplete function
ULSynchronize function