Creating UltraLite projects in CodeWarrior

To create an UltraLite project in CodeWarrior
  1. Start CodeWarrior.

  2. Create a new project:

    1. From the CodeWarrior menu, choose File » New.

    2. Click the Projects tab.

    3. Choose Palm OS Application Stationery.

    4. Choose a name and location for the project and click OK.

  3. Choose an UltraLite stationery.

    The UltraLite plug-in adds the following choices to the stationery list:

    • Palm OS UltraLite C++ App
    • Palm OS UltraLite ESQL App

    Choose the development model you want to use and click OK to create the project.

    The stationery is standard C stationery for embedded SQL, and standard C++ stationery for C++.

  4. If you are using embedded SQL, configure the settings in the UltraLite Preprocessor Panel for your project. If you are using C++ these settings are ignored.

    1. On your project window (.mcp), click the Settings icon on the toolbar.

    2. In the tree in the left pane, choose Target » UltraLite Preprocessor. Enter the settings for your project.


When you build an embedded SQL project, the UltraLite plug-in calls sqlpp to preprocess .sqc files into .c/.cpp files and also converts ESQL statements to UltraLite function calls.

When building UltraLite Embedded SQL or C++ applications in the CodeWarrior environment, the plug-in does not add the access paths to install-dir\SDK\Include and install-dir\UltraLite\Palm\68k\lib\cw\ and to the UltraLite libraries ulrt.lib and ulbase.lib. The plug-in only adds the generated files from running the SQL preprocessor to the CodeWarrior project for UltraLite Embedded SQL applications.