UltraLite SYNCHRONIZE statement

Use this statement to synchronize an UltraLite database via the MobiLink server. The synchronization is configured according to the parameters in the synchronization profile, or the parameters can be specified in the statement itself.

PROFILE sync-profile-name [ MERGE sync-option [ ;... ] ]
| USING sync-option  [ ;... ]
sync-option :
sync-option-name = sync-option-value
sync-option-name : string
sync-option-value : string
  • sync-profile-name   The name of the synchronization profile.

  • MERGE clause   Use this clause when you want to add or override options that are provided in the synchronization profile.

  • USING clause   Use this clause when you want to specify the synchronization options without referencing a synchronization profile.

  • sync-option   A string of one or more synchronization option value pairs, separated by semicolons. For example, 'option1=value1;option2=value2'.

  • sync-option-name   The name of the synchronization option.

  • sync-option-value   The value for the synchronization option.


See UltraLite CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION PROFILE statement for a list of the synchronization profile options supported by UltraLite.

See UltraLite ALTER SYNCHRONIZATION PROFILE statement to understand how sync options are merged with existing options in the synchronization profile.

By allowing sync options to be merged in, developers can choose to omit storing some options in the database (like the MobiLinkPwd for instance).

If a synchronization callback function is defined and registered with UltraLite, whenever a SYNCHRONIZE statement is executed, progress information for that synchronization is passed to the callback function. If no callback is registered, progress information is suppressed.

Side effects


See also

The following example shows the syntax for synchronizing a synchronization profile called Test1 where the MobiLinkPwd has not been stored as part of the profile:


The following example shows the syntax for adding the publication and uploadonly options to a synchronization profile called Test1.


The following example illustrates how to use USING.

SYNCHRONIZE USING ''MobiLinkUid=joe;MobiLinkPwd=sql;ScriptVersion=1;Stream=TCPIP{host=localhost}'

The following example shows the syntax for synchronizing the publication and uploadonly options.

   USING 'publication=p2;uploadonly=on';