UltraLite UPDATE statement

Use this statement to modify rows in a table.

UPDATE table-name[[AS] correlation-name]
SET column-name  = expression, ...
[ WHERE search-condition ]

table-name   The table-name specifies the name of the table to update. Only a single table is allowed.

correlation-name   An identifier to use when referencing the table from elsewhere in the statement.

SET clause   Each named column is set to the value of the expression on the right-hand side of the equal sign. There are no restrictions on the expression . If the expression is a column-name, the old value is used.

Only columns specified in the SET clause have their values changed. In particular, you cannot use UPDATE to set a column's value to its default.

WHERE clause   If a WHERE clause is specified, only rows satisfying search-condition are updated. See Search conditions in UltraLite.


The UPDATE statement modifies values in a table.

Character strings inserted into tables are always stored in the same case as they are entered, regardless of whether the database is case sensitive.

See also

The following statement transfers employee Philip Chin (employee 129) from the sales department to the marketing department (department 400).

UPDATE Employees
SET DepartmentID = 400
WHERE EmployeeID = 129;

An example using correlation-name.

UPDATE Employee E 
SET salary = salary * 1.05 
WHERE EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM Sales S HAVING E.Sales > Avg( S.sales) 
GROUP BY S.dept_no )