Publications and articles

A publication defines the set of data to be replicated. A publication can include data from several database tables. An article refers to a table in a publication. Each article in a publication can consist of the entire table or a subset of the rows and columns in the table.

A two-table replication definition. The definition includes all of table A and part of table B.

A publication cannot include views or stored procedures. For information about how SQL Remote replicates procedures and triggers, see Replicating procedures and Replicating triggers.

Viewing publications and articles (Sybase Central)

In Sybase Central, publications appear in the Publications folder in the left pane. Any articles you create for a publication appear on the Articles tab in the right pane when you select a publication.

Create publications
Publish only some columns in a table
Publish only some rows in a table
Alter publications
Drop a publication