Protecting the consolidated database from media failures

To protect your SQL Remote replication system against media failure:

  • Replicate only backed-up transactions   Send messages that contain only backed-up transactions. By sending only backed-up transactions, the replication system is protected against media failure on the transaction log. You can accomplish this by:

    • Running the Message Agent (dbremote) with the -u option. When the Message Agent (dbremote) is run with the -u option, only committed transactions that have been backed up are packaged into messages to be sent.

      The -u option provides additional protection against total site failure, if backups are carried out to another site. See Message Agent (dbremote).

  • Use a transaction log mirror   Using a transaction log mirror protects against media failure on the transaction log device. See Transaction log mirrors.

  • Do not run Message Agent (dbremote) with the -x option on the consolidated database   Never run the Message Agent (dbremote) with the -x option against a database that is being backed up. The -x option maintains the transaction logs for replication, not for backup or recovery. To back up your consolidated database, see Back up the consolidated database.