Adjusting the send delay

To create messages to send, the Message Agent (dbremote) polls for new data from the transaction log. The send delay is the time to wait between polls for more transaction log data to send. The default polling interval from the end of one poll to the start of another is 1 minute. You can configure the send delay using the -sd option, but the default is generally sufficient. The send delay should be less than or equal to the remote users' send frequency.

Decreasing the send delay

You can poll more frequently by using a value in seconds. For example, the following command polls every thirty seconds:

dbremote -c "DSN=SQL Anywhere 11 Demo"  -sd 30s ...
Increasing the send delay

You can poll less frequently, as in the following command, which polls every 60 minutes:

dbremote -c "DSN=SQL Anywhere 11 Demo"  -sd 60

Setting larger intervals usually requires the Message Agent (dbremote) to do a majority of the message creation work before it sends the messages. Smaller intervals are generally preferred as they spread out the message creation work.

See Message Agent (dbremote).

See also