Notifier Properties window: General tab

When you change the following properties, you must shut down and restart the MobiLink server for them to take effect.

This tab has the following components:

Name   Shows the name of the Notifier. You can change the name of the Notifier in this field.

Type   Shows the type of object.

Enabled   Select this option to enable the Notifier.


The QAnyNotifier_client notifier is always enabled when MobiLink is started with the -m command line option. See -m option.

Display control window when running   Select this option if you want the Notifier window to be open on the computer where the Notifier is running. This user interface allows users to temporarily change the polling interval, or poll immediately. It can also be used to shut down the Notifier without shutting down the MobiLink server. (Once stopped, the Notifier can only be restarted by shutting down and restarting the MobiLink server.) This option is selected by default.

Share the database connection with other notifiers   Select this option if you want the database connection to be shared with other notifiers.

Description   Provides a place for you to type a description of the Notifier.

See also