Connector Properties window: Web Service tab

The connector listens for QAnywhere messages sent to a particular address, and makes web service calls when messages arrive. Web service responses are sent back to the originating client as QAnywhere messages. All messages sent to the web services connector should be created using the proxy classes generated by the QAnywhere WSDL compiler.

This tab has the following components:

URL   Shows the URL that the web service is located at. For example, http://localhost:8080/qanyserv/F2C.

Socket timeout (ms)   Shows the timeout in milliseconds for socket connects, reads, and writes. Specify 0 or do not specify a timeout value to wait indefinitely. This sets the webservice.socket.timeout property.

HTTP user name   Shows the user name if the web service requires HTTP authentication. This sets the webservice.http.authName property.

HTTP password   Shows the password if the web service requires HTTP authentication. This sets the webservice.http.password.e property.

Proxy host   Shows the host name if the web service must be accessed through an HTTP proxy. If you specify this property, you must also specify the Proxy port property. This sets the property.

Proxy port   Shows the port to connect to on the proxy server. If you specify this property, you must specify the Proxy host property. This sets the webservice.http.proxy.port property.

Proxy user name   Show the proxy user name to use if the proxy requires authentication. If you specify this property, you must also specify the Proxy password property. This sets the webservice.http.proxy.authName property.

Proxy password   Shows the proxy password to use if the proxy requires authentication. If you specify this property, you must also specify the Proxy user name property.

Use FIPS   Select this option to use FIPS algorithms for HTTPS connections. If you select this option, the URL should specify https. This option is not selected by default.

Separately licensed component required

ECC encryption and FIPS-certified encryption require a separate license. All strong encryption technologies are subject to export regulations.

See Separately licensed components.

Trusted certificates   If Use FIPS is selected, specify a file containing a list of root certificates used for secure synchronization. This sets the trusted_certificates option. See trusted_certificates.

Certificate company   Shows the certificate company. If specified, the application only accepts server certificates when the Organization field on the certificate matches this value. This sets the certificate_company option. See certificate_company.

Certificate unit   Shows the certificate unit. If specified, the application only accepts server certificates when the Organization Unit field on the certificate matches this value. This sets the certificate_unit option. See certificate_unit.

Certificate name   Shows the certificate name. If specified, the application only accepts server certificates when the Common Name field on the certificate matches this value. This sets the certificate_name option. See certificate_name.

See also