Installing SQL Anywhere Eclipse Help

In supported Unix, Linux, or Mac OS X environments, the SQL Anywhere Eclipse Help is installed as part of the SQL Anywhere installation.

To install the Help file in a Microsoft Windows environment
  1. Unzip the file and extract the files to the %SQLANY11% directory.

  2. Open eclipse.ini and verify that the workspace and configuration options are correct for your version of Microsoft Windows. The default location for eclipse.ini is %SQLANY11%\Eclipse.

To install the Help file in an existing Eclipse developer environment
  1. Copy the plug-in to the eclipse\plugins folder in your Eclipse installation directory.

    In a Microsoft Windows environment, the default location for the plug-in is%SQLANY11%\Eclipse\Plugins.

    In a Unix, Linux, or Mac OS X environment, the default location for the plug-in is$SQLANY11/eclipse/plugins.

  2. In Eclipse, choose Help » Help Contents to verify that the Help file is installed correctly.