Challenges for synchronization technologies

Any synchronization technology must address several challenges that arise as a result of the increased flexibility permitted by synchronization.

Transactional integrity

One of the challenges of any synchronization system is to ensure that each database always retains transactional integrity.

SQL Remote replicates portions of the transaction log in such a way that transactions are maintained during synchronization: either a whole transaction is replicated, or none of it is replicated. This ensures transactional integrity at each database in the system.

In MobiLink, you can also choose to replicate each transaction, but by default MobiLink coalesces multiple transactions on the remote database and applies them in a single transaction. This generally results in more efficient uploads. In both cases, MobiLink maintains transactional integrity.

Data consistency

Another challenge to synchronization systems is to maintain data consistency throughout the system. Synchronization systems maintain a loose consistency in the system as a whole: that is, all changes are replicated to each site over time in a consistent manner, but different sites may have different copies of data at any instant.

See also