MobiLink communication error messages sorted by error code

Error code Message text
0 No error or unknown error
1 Invalid parameter '%1'
2 Parameter value '%1' is not an unsigned integer
3 Parameter value '%1' is not an unsigned integer value or range. A range has the form NNN-NNN
4 Parameter value '%1' is not a valid boolean value. The value must be 0 or 1
5 Parameter value '%1' is not a valid hexadecimal value
6 Unable to allocate sufficient memory
7 Unable to parse the parameter string '%1'
8 Unable to read %1 bytes
9 Unable to write %1 bytes
10 An end write failed
11 An end read failed
12 Feature not implemented
13 The operation would cause blocking
14 Unable to generate a random number
15 Unable to initialize the random number generator
16 Unable to seed the random number generator
17 Unable to create a random number object
18 An error occurred during shutdown
19 Unable to dequeue from the connection queue
20 Invalid root certificate
21 Unrecognized organization '%1'
24 Server certificate not trusted
25 Unable to duplicate security context
26 Unable to attach the network layer to the security layer
33 Unable to open certificate file '%1'
34 Unable to read certificates
35 Unable to read the private key
36 Unable to set the private key
37 Unable to fetch a certificate expiry date
38 Unable to copy a certificate
39 Unable to add a certificate to a certificate chain
40 Unable to find the trusted certificate file '%1'
41 Error reading from the trusted certificate file '%1'
42 No trusted certificates found in %1
43 Unable to allocate a certificate
44 Unable to import a certificate
48 Unable to add a trusted certificate
49 Unable to create a private key object
50 A certificate has expired
51 Unrecognized organization unit '%1'
52 Unrecognized common name '%1'
53 Handshake error
54 Unsupported HTTP version: %1
57 The host name '%1' could not be found
58 Unable to create a TCP/IP socket
59 Unable to create a UDP socket
60 Unable to bind a socket to port %1
61 Unable to clean up the socket layer
62 Unable to close a socket
63 Unable to connect a socket
64 Unable to get a socket's local name
65 Unable to get socket option number %1
66 Unable to set socket option number %1
67 Unable to listen on a socket. The backlog is %1
68 Unable to shut down a socket
69 Unable to select a socket status
70 Unable to initialize the sockets layer
71 Unable to determine localhost
72 Unable to get host by address
73 Unable to load the network interface library
74 Invalid port number %1. The value must be between zero and 65535
75 ActiveSync synchronization cannot be initiated by an application
76 ActiveSync provider has not been installed
77 The content type '%1' is unknown
78 Client id is not available for use in HTTP header
79 The HTTP buffer size specified is out of the valid range
80 Extra data found in the HTTP body: %1
81 Failed to read encoded CR LF
82 Failed to read CR LF
83 Timed out while waiting for the next HTTP request in this synchronization
84 Failed to read encoded chunk length
85 An unexpected character was read while parsing the chunk length. %1
86 An error status was returned: '%1'
87 Unknown transfer encoding: '%1'
88 Unable to parse cookie: '%1'
89 Expected data from remote but current request is not a POST
200 Invalid liveness timeout value %1. The value must be between zero and 65535
201 Timed out trying to read %1 bytes
202 Timed out trying to write %1 bytes
203 Automatic dialup is not supported on this machine
204 Failed dialing to %1
205 No server certificate was provided
206 No server certificate password was provided
207 No trusted root certificates were provided
208 Password specified for an unencrypted server key
209 A userid and password are required for HTTP authentication
210 A userid and password are required for HTTP proxy authentication
211 HTTP Authentication failed
212 HTTP Proxy Authentication failed
213 No userid was supplied
214 No password was supplied
215 Unsupported http authentication algorithm: %1
216 Error parsing HTTP header: %1
217 HTTP server authentication failed
218 Operation interrupted
219 Invalid HTTP character
220 Internal error (%1)
221 Failed to open system certificate store
222 Failed to import a certificate from the system certificate store
223 No certificate found in system certificate store
224 Failed to load library %1
225 Function %1 could not be found
226 Invalid synchronization protocol: %1
227 Internal protocol not loaded: %1
228 Server error %1
229 Missing parameter: %1
230 Could not open %1 for write
231 Protocol error
232 Invalid compression type: %1
233 The value specified for %1 is out of range
234 Unexpected request type: %1
235 Malformed session cookie (ML_SESSION_ID) value: %1
236 Unexpected HTTP state %1 when decoding the header
237 Unexpected internal HTTP request type %1
238 Internal error: %1 returned %2
239 ECC encryption is not FIPS-compliant
240 Unrecognized TLS type %1
241 Connection attempt timed out
242 A secure stream has FIPS explicitly disabled, but the -fips option is in effect
243 Invalid local path %1 for the downloaded file
244 The session key type '%1' is unknown
245 Invalid or corrupt network interface library: %1
248 Network interface library version mismatch. Expecting version %1.%2, but found version %3.%4
249 MobiLink authentication failed
250 SACI implementation mismatch
251 Unknown public key end-to-end encryption type sent from client: %1
252 Unexpected public key end-to-end encryption type. Expecting %1 but received %2
253 Mismatched end-to-end encryption keys
254 Unexpected private key type. Expecting %1 but found %2 in the e2ee_private_key file '%3'
255 Unable to read the e2ee_private_key file '%1'. The error code is %2
256 There is no private key in the e2ee_private_key file '%1'
257 Unable to decode the e2ee_private_key file '%1'. The error code is %2
258 Unable to read the e2ee_private_key file '%1'. The error code is %2
259 Missing e2ee_private_key_password for the e2ee_private_key file '%1'
260 Missing e2ee_private_key
261 Invalid e2ee_type '%1'
262 Unable to initialize ECC for end-to-end encryption. The error code is %1
263 Unable to read the e2ee public key
264 Unable to open '%1'