UltraLite new features

UltraLite 8.0.1 introduces several new features:

  • CodeWarrior 8 support   This release supports CodeWarrior version 8.

  • Support for multi-threaded applications   UltraLite applications can now be multi-threaded on platforms that support this kind of application.

  • Pocket PC 2002 support   Pocket PC 2002 is added to the list of supported platforms.

  • JDBC ResultSet methods added   The ResultSet.findColumn and ResultSet.getType methods are now supported.

  • Access to information from UltraLite Java   The JdbcConnection.getLastIdentity method, getLastDownLoadTime method, and JdbcDatabase.countUploadRows method allow access to useful information. These features were previously available only in C/C++ applications.

  • User authentication in UltraLite Java   The Java version of UltraLite now supports user authentication.

  • HotSync synchronization progress displayed   The status field of the HotSync Progress window on your desktop computer now shows the progress of synchronization with UltraLite applications.

  • HotSync configuration   You can configure the HotSync conduit from Palm Desktop.

  • Automatic scripting from UltraLite applications   UltraLite applications can now provide column names to the MobiLink server so that synchronization scripts can be automatically generated.

  • Get SQL data type of a column from the C++ API   The GetColumnSQLType method returns the data type of a column.

  • Optional checkpoint during synchronization   Synchronizations that download large numbers of updates can cause the UltraLite database to grow significantly in size. This growth can be limited by carrying out checkpoints during synchronization. The new checkpoint_store synchronization parameter controls checkpointing. By default, no checkpoints are carried out.

    For more information, see Additional Parameters synchronization parameter.