UltraLite behavior changes

The following is a list of behavior changes from previous versions of the software.

  • Palm OS state management   For Palm OS applications using embedded SQL or the static C++ API, the ULPalmExit (ULData::PalmExit) and ULPalmLaunch (ULData::PalmLaunch) functions are no longer needed to manage state and synchronization information, and are now deprecated. The ULData and ULConnection Reopen methods are also deprecated.

    Applications on Palm OS now use the same sequence of initialization, connection, and closing functions as other applications. The ULSetSynchInfo method controls HotSync synchronization.

    See Adding HotSync synchronization to Palm applications.

  • Palm OS 3.0 no longer supported    The earliest version of supported in this release is Palm OS 3.5.

  • ULEnableGenericSchema function deprecated   UltraLite C/C++ applications that require schema upgrades no longer need to call ULEnableGenericSchema. Instead, use the function ULRegisterSchemaUpgradeObserver.

  • UltraLite components Table API   The Delete method of the Table object no longer automatically refreshes the row after deleting. To maintain previous behavior, refetch the row using Relative(0) after the Delete operation.

  • Native UltraLite for Java casting of column IDs and parameter IDs no longer required   All methods that accepted column IDs and parameter IDs, and some methods that accepted other short-typed parameters have been changed to accept integers. This eliminates the need for casting numeric constants in your code. For example, instead of table.getString( (short)1 ); you can now use table.getString( 1 );.

    As a result of this change, Native UltraLite for Java applications must be recompiled to work with 9.0.1 software. No code changes are required.