UltraLite new features

UltraLite 8.0.2 introduces several new features:

  • UltraLite Components   UltraLite database technology can now be used from new development platforms in an easy-to-use fashion. UltraLite Components bring UltraLite technology to users of eMbedded Visual Basic, AppForge MobileVB, and Java. The component for Java is an alternative to the UltraLite for Java described in this book. The component is not a 100% pure Java implementation, but instead uses native classes for better performance.

    The UltraLite Component documentation is available in the online books. For a starting point, see UltraLite - Database Management and Reference.

  • Upgrading UltraLite databases   When deploying a new version of an application, you can now choose to upgrade the schema of UltraLite database to the schema of the new application.

    In 9.0.1, ULEnableGenericSchema was replaced by ULRegisterSchemaUpgradeObserver.

  • Java runtime is thread-safe   The UltraLite Java runtime is now thread-safe, enabling the development of multi-threaded UltraLite applications.

  • Deleting UltraLite database files   You can delete an UltraLite database file from an application using the ULDropDatabase function.

    For more information, see:

  • Universally unique identifiers   UltraLite databases can now use the UNIQUEIDENTIFIER Adaptive Server Anywhere data type. This type is a BINARY(16) used for storing universally unique identifiers (UUIDs or GUIDs). UNIQUEIDENTIFIER columns that use the NEWID function as a default value can guarantee unique primary keys across a whole MobiLink installation, as an alternative to GLOBAL AUTOINCREMENT.

    For more information, see The NEWID default.

  • New security options for synchronization   Two new secure synchronization protocols are introduced in this release. HTTPS is HTTP implemented over a transport-layer security protocol, and RSA is a form of transport-layer security encryption used over HTTP or TCP/IP networks.

    These security options use Certicom technology. Use of Certicom technology requires that you obtain the separately-licensed SQL Anywhere Studio security option and is subject to export regulations. For more information on this option, see SQL Anywhere 11 components.

    For more information about HTTPS synchronization, see Stream Type synchronization parameter.

  • Reset last download time   To resynchronize previously downloaded data, for example to set an application to a clean state, you can reset the last download timestamp.

    For more information, see ULResetLastDownloadTime function.

  • Troubleshooting previous synchronizations   Functions are now available to obtain information about the success or failure of the most recent synchronization. This feature is particularly useful for Palm OS applications that use HotSync, in which case the synchronization is carried out externally to the application.

    For more information, see ULGetSynchResult function. This feature is not yet available for UltraLite Java applications.

  • Generate more and smaller files   The -x option causes the UltraLite generator to write out more and smaller files for C/C++ projects. This option is to help in cases where the generated code is too large for the compiler to handle in a single file.

  • Improved synchronization observer   The synchronization observer function has been enhanced. More states and fields have been added to the interface to enable the design of more responsive and informative synchronization windows.