
  • Strong encryption over TCP/IP   Adaptive Server Anywhere now supports certificate-based encryption over TCP/IP ports on Solaris, Linux, NetWare, and all supported Windows operating systems with the exception of Windows CE. Strong encryption protects the confidentiality and integrity of network packets as they pass between the client and the server. This encryption is also called Transport Layer Security (TLS).

    The database server -ec command line option allows you to set the server's connection parameters and replaces the -e command line option in previous versions of Adaptive Server Anywhere. You can set the client connection parameters with the encryption connection parameter.

    For more information, see -ec server option and Encryption connection parameter [ENC].

    To use this feature, you must use version 8 software at both the client and the server. You do not need to upgrade the database.

  • Strong encryption of the database file   The database file itself can now be strongly encrypted for greater security, especially on notebook and laptop computers prone to theft.

    For more information, see the following locations:

    You must use version 8 software to create encrypted database files.